Breaking News: The underground bishop of Wenzhou, in the Zhejiang province, was detained this morning by agents of the National Security Office. He had refused to pay the exorbitant fine of 200,000 yuan imposed on him for a celebration held on December 27 with 200 attendees. Last week, he urged the faithful to increase their presence at Mass and pray the Rosary for the health of Pope Francis.
By: Asia News
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Milan – Bishop Pietro Shao Zhumin, the underground bishop of Wenzhou in the Zhejiang province, was arrested today at noon by the authorities of the National Security Office. The arrest is related to the opening Mass of the Holy Year that the bishop publicly celebrated on December 27, with 200 faithful in attendance. As previously reported by AsiaNews, authorities claim that this Mass was “illegal,” in violation of Article 71 of the Religious Affairs Regulations, and constitutes a “serious crime.”
The authorities had imposed a fine of 200,000 yuan (equivalent to over 26,000 euros) for this, which Bishop Shao contested, explaining that the Church’s activities do not violate the law. Hence today’s arrest, which according to the National Security Office is meant to ensure the bishop’s “safety.” It is unknown where he has been taken and it is unclear how long this restrictive measure or surveillance will last. The faithful are very concerned about his safety and health.
It has also been reported that recently the National Security Office and the Department for Religious Affairs interfered with a pilgrimage of several hundred people organized by the Cangnan parish, under the jurisdiction of the underground Church of Wenzhou, prohibiting their departure.
In recent years, every Sunday, plainclothes agents have entered the churches of the underground diocese of Wenzhou, preventing the entry of any child or teenager. In recent months, the National Security Office has adopted a new method, delegating surveillance to local authorities in the neighborhoods. Officials usually monitor the churches from 7 in the morning until noon, not only preventing children and adolescents from entering but also preventing priests from celebrating Mass.
Bishop Shao has refused to join the official Catholic bodies controlled by the Chinese Communist Party and is therefore not recognized by the authorities. As reported by AsiaNews, the 61-year-old bishop was appointed in 2007 by Benedict XVI as the coadjutor bishop to succeed Bishop Vincenzo Zhu Wei-Fang, who passed away in September 2016. For his refusal to join the Patriotic Association, authorities consider the see “vacant” and support Father Ma Xianshi, a “patriotic” priest, as the leader of the local Catholic community. Bishop Shao has been arrested several times in recent years, and today the underground Church of Wenzhou has launched a prayer campaign to support him.
It should also be noted that on February 25, Bishop Shao had sent a letter to the entire diocese inviting the faithful to pray for Pope Francis, accompanying it with Mass and the recitation of the Rosary, asking God to support him in his illness with His grace.