The Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, has shared a powerful message at the beginning of Lent, emphasizing the importance of embracing reconciliation in the midst of conflict and strife. He reminds us that God’s love and grace can always prevail, even in the face of adversity.
By Federico Piana
Cardinal Pizzaballa calls on Christians to reflect on the significance of the Cross during Lent, as it symbolizes the ultimate sacrifice and hope for humanity, especially in times of turmoil and violence. In his Lenten message to the faithful of the Holy Land, he emphasizes the need for reconciliation and forgiveness, even in the midst of discord and hatred.
A Time for Renewal
Lent offers a unique opportunity for all believers to seek grace and forgiveness, as they journey alongside Jesus through the desert. Cardinal Pizzaballa stresses the importance of embracing the message of the Cross, which may seem unconventional in a world driven by power and conflict. Only through a shift in mindset towards forgiveness and generosity can true peace be achieved.
Pursuing Peace and Unity
The Cardinal encourages Christian communities to immerse themselves in the Passion narratives and visit sacred sites, as a way to deepen their understanding of reconciliation and service. He emphasizes that true reconciliation requires a commitment to serving others and sharing the gift of grace with those in need.
As Christians embark on this Lenten journey, they are reminded of the call to reconcile with one another and extend that reconciliation to all humanity. Through prayer, fasting, and acts of charity, they can create a path towards peace and unity in a world torn apart by conflict.
A Call for Solidarity
Fr. Francesco Patton, the Custos of the Holy Land, echoes the message of unity and generosity, urging Catholics worldwide to support the annual Good Friday Collection that benefits Christians in the Holy Land. He highlights the challenges faced by families in the region due to war and economic hardships, calling for solidarity and compassion.
Despite the struggles faced by the Custody of the Holy Land, Fr. Patton acknowledges the support received from Christians globally, enabling them to continue their mission of caring for sacred sites and providing aid to those in need. He invites all to remember the Holy Land during the Good Friday Collection as a gesture of solidarity and support.
Let us embrace this Lenten season as a time of renewal, reconciliation, and generosity, as we strive to bring hope and peace to a world in need of healing.