In the quaint Polish village of Harmeze, a unique blend of prayer and remembrance weaves through the fabric of history, honoring those who suffered and perished in the horrors of the German Nazi concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau. Once a “subcamp” of Auschwitz, Harmeze now stands as the home to a Franciscan monastery and the St. Maximilian Center, a sacred space dedicated to prayer, reflection, and educating others about the victims of the Holocaust.
By Karol Darmoros
Harmeze bears the deep scars of its past. In the spring of 1941, the village was forcefully emptied and razed by the Nazis, who established the Harmense subcamp in its place. Prisoners endured unimaginable suffering and harsh labor conditions, toiling at large fishponds where the ashes of Auschwitz-Birkenau victims were often discarded.
Speaking to Vatican Radio–Vatican News, Father Kazimierz Malinowski, director of the St. Maximilian Center, reflects on the 80th anniversary of Auschwitz’s liberation and the enduring power of memory and love in facing the darkest periods of human history. “There has always been a profound sense of the significance of this place,” Father Malinowski shares. “That’s why we Franciscans are here. The Center was established out of deep gratitude to God for St. Maximilian Kolbe and his canonization. Cardinal Franciszek Macharski designated this place, which was once part of the camp.”
St. Maximilian Center: A Sanctuary of Victorious Love
Today, the Center stands as a sanctuary of prayer and spiritual growth. Its mission takes on special meaning on January 27, as a Mass is held to commemorate the 80th anniversary of Auschwitz’s liberation. Dignitaries from nearly 60 nations and international organizations will gather at the gates of Birkenau for this solemn occasion.
Known as the Sanctuary of Victorious Love, the Center provides a profound answer to the question, “Where was God in Auschwitz?” Father Malinowski reflects on this, stating, “The answer lies in the testimony of St. Maximilian Kolbe, who sacrificed his life for fellow prisoner Franciszek Gajowniczek. Through his act of love, St. Maximilian bore witness to God’s victorious love—a love that triumphed even in the face of unspeakable evil. On July 29, 1941, he made the ultimate sacrifice in the camp’s yard.”
“Memory Frames” by Marian Kołodziej: Art and Reflection
One of the most moving aspects of the Center is the exhibition Memory Frames: Labyrinths, created by Marian Kołodziej, a renowned stage designer and Auschwitz survivor from the first prisoner transport. It was only after 50 years, following a stroke and partial paralysis, that Kołodziej found healing through art.
“The exhibition serves as a dialogue between Kołodziej and St. Maximilian—a conversation about values and the moral boundaries that must not be crossed to uphold dignity and humanity,” Father Malinowski explains. “This theme deeply resonates with visitors today.”
Featuring over 40 drawings, the exhibition prompts contemplation on contemporary forms of evil. As Kołodziej observed, Auschwitz’s legacy lives on in the various manifestations of hatred still present in the world.
Engaging the Next Generation
The Center is launching new educational initiatives targeted at young people. Following their visit to the exhibition, participants are encouraged to take part in structured discussions and guided reflections.
“Many young visitors leave the exhibition profoundly moved,” Father Malinowski notes. “Starting this year, we aim to provide them with a platform to share their thoughts and emotions immediately afterward. Through specialized educational methods, they can reflect on their experience and draw lessons for their lives.”
Prayer and Remembrance in Harmeze
Looking ahead, the St. Maximilian Center plans to renovate its Stations of the Cross, originally brought from the gravel pit at Auschwitz. The Center also hosts regular prayers for the victims of the camp.
An emblem of spiritual resilience is the Our Lady Behind the Wires figurine, crafted by Auschwitz prisoner Bolesław Kupiec. “This figurine serves as the patroness of Oświęcim families—those whose ancestors endured Auschwitz—and stands as a symbol of the prisoners’ unwavering faith,” Father Malinowski shares.
Through prayer, education, and the preservation of memory, Harmeze remains a sanctuary of love. Here, the triumph of compassion over hatred is not just remembered, but lived.