Welcome to the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul! As we close the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Pope Francis urges Christians to reconnect with the shared foundations of their faith. He also reiterates the importance of establishing a common date for Easter.
By Christopher Wells
In a moving ceremony at the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls, Pope Francis reminded believers that Jesus is always there to restore hope in times of despair. He lifts us from the depths of sorrow, giving us the strength to start anew.
Reflecting on the encounter between Jesus and Martha after the death of Lazarus, the Pope emphasized the message of resurrection and life. This theme, central to this year’s Week of Prayer, teaches us that even in our darkest moments, we are not alone. Hope is always within our reach.
Pope Francis stressed that this message of hope is not only personal but essential for the life of Christian communities and the ecumenical journey. He highlighted the upcoming 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicea, a significant event that underscores the unity that can be found in a common profession of faith.
As we look ahead to the future, the Pope called for a reconnection with the shared roots of our faith and a commitment to preserving unity. He also renewed his plea for Christians to come together in celebrating Easter on a unified date.
Ending his homily, Pope Francis challenged believers to reaffirm their faith in God and embrace Jesus as the path to unity. He encouraged them to never tire of sharing the hope found in the Son of God with the world.