Welcome to the Vatican! Today, on January 23rd, Pope Francis welcomed the members of the Foundation in the Hall of the Popes, emphasizing the value of their mission. The World Network of Prayer of the Pope embodies the dual spirit of the Jubilee, combining contemplation with concrete acts of mercy towards “the last ones”.
The Heart of Jesus, Side by Side with Ours
At the center of the activities of the pontifical work is the encyclical Dilexit nos, defined as a “substantial nourishment” for the spiritual and operational journey of the organization currently led by Father Cristóbal Fones. Francis pays special tribute to his predecessor, Father Frederic Fornos, whose creativity has allowed the Foundation to continue in the “path of the heart”, uniting that of Jesus with ours, “wounded by sin” but transformed by love.
Combining Prayer and Compassion
Mary contributes to the sensitivity of each one, “teaching us to keep in our hearts the words and gestures of Jesus”. “Do not forget this word: to keep,” adds the Pope spontaneously. Furthermore, the Holy Spirit offers “living water” without which authentic spiritual progress is not possible.
The World Network of Prayer of the Pope will make a very important contribution to the Jubilee, helping people and communities to live its spirit, as a journey in which prayer and compassion, prayer and closeness to the last ones, prayer and acts of mercy are inseparably combined.