Imagine a gathering of around 80 religious sisters in the heart of the Vatican, coming together to celebrate the power of communication. It’s not just about media professionals, but it’s a vital part of each person’s life, connecting us through words, gestures, and various forms of expression.
By Sr. Jecinter Antoinette Okoth, FSSA
The Jubilee conference held at the Vatican Apostolic Library on January 23 was a testament to the belief that communication is more than just a skill – it’s a way of living. Sr. Polla Moggi, a Comboni Missionary Sister from Italy, shared her delight in how sisters are spreading hope, inspiration, and support through their communication efforts.
Reflecting on the event, Sr. Moggi emphasized that communication is not exclusive to experts but is something that everyone should embrace. She spoke about the importance of recognizing our unique talents and using them to connect with others effectively.
Participants at the conference had the chance to engage with international experts, share insights, and contribute to discussions aimed at transforming the media landscape with hope. Sr. Karolina Luczak, a member of the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth from Poland, commended the valuable services provided by sisters worldwide.
Sharing her experience, Sr. Lucy Hometowu, a Ghanaian sister from the Sisters of Mary Mother of the Church, highlighted the need for sisters to share their stories with the world. The workshop empowered them to spread the message of Christ and uplift those they serve.
It’s inspiring to see these dedicated sisters coming together to weave communion through communication, sharing their gifts and spreading love and hope to all. Communication truly is a powerful tool that can bring us closer together and make a positive impact on the world.