Pope Francis Extends Gratitude to Italy’s Inspectorate for Public Security
On a recent occasion, Pope Francis expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Italy’s Inspectorate for Public Security for Vatican City, the dedicated group charged with maintaining security in and around St. Peter’s Square. The Pope commended the directors and police officers for their unwavering commitment to their work, carried out with dedication, professionalism, and generosity.
In his annual audience with the Inspectorate, Pope Francis acknowledged the crucial role they play in ensuring the safety of the Pope, his collaborators, pilgrims, tourists, and all involved in his pastoral visits throughout Italy. He highlighted the importance of serving the common good and emphasized the need for humility, recognizing one’s reliance on God’s grace.
Service with Courage and Sacrifice
The Inspectorate for Public Safety for Vatican City, a division of Italy’s State Police, focuses on providing security and maintaining public order in St. Peter’s Square. Pope Francis praised the officers for their courage, self-denial, attention to detail, and willingness to make sacrifices, noting that their vital service often goes unnoticed.
As the Pope extended prayers for a peaceful Jubilee Year, he invited the police officers to pass through the Holy Doors at St. Peter’s and other papal basilicas. He emphasized that this symbolic act represents a desire for renewal and reflection, offering an opportunity for inner growth and hope, even for those who may not identify with the gift of faith.
Gratitude and Protection
Pope Francis concluded by assuring the members of the Inspectorate of his continued prayers and gratitude. He invoked the protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Michael the Archangel, the heavenly patrons of the force, for their safety and well-being.
This gesture of appreciation and encouragement from Pope Francis serves as a reminder of the importance of security personnel and the sacrifices they make to ensure the safety of others, highlighting the value of their often unseen but crucial work.