The Journey of Life with Pope Francis
Embarking on the journey of life without the hope that Jesus brings would be madness, Pope Francis shared with seminarians from Cordoba, Spain. The pontiff spent the morning in an audience with the future priests, emphasizing the importance of hope along the path of life.
By Kielce Gussie
As the seminarians gathered in the presence of Pope Francis, he spoke about the signs of hope that guide us on our journey. The first sign, he explained, is the direction towards heaven, leading to the ultimate encounter with Jesus.
Pope Francis cautioned against seeking comfort, as it may lead to dead ends on the journey of life. Choosing this path would only result in shame and the need to turn back. Instead, he urged the seminarians to persevere on the Lord’s path, inspired by the example of their hometown saint, Pelagius from Cordoba.
Throughout the journey, dangers may arise, but the Pope reassured the seminarians that Jesus will sustain them and provide the strength needed to be sowers of hope in the world. Visiting the Holy Door during the Jubilee Year serves as a reminder of the places of provision along the way.
In the Eucharist, Pope Francis explained, Jesus repairs us when we face challenges and welcomes us when we need to rest. Without the hope that Jesus brings, embarking on the journey of life would be futile. Trust in Him is essential to reaching our ultimate destination.
Being sowers of hope, the Pope emphasized, goes beyond mere pleasantries. It requires a genuine commitment to guiding, defending, assisting, and blessing others on the shared path of life. Community is essential in this journey, as we are called to support and uplift one another in faith.
With Pope Francis’s words echoing in their hearts, the seminarians from Cordoba, Spain, left the audience inspired to continue their journey of life with hope and faith in Jesus as their guide.