Pope Francis Embraces Mongolian Buddhists in a Historic Meeting
Recently, Pope Francis had a momentous meeting with a delegation of Buddhists from Mongolia, where they discussed various topics including religious freedom, the Catholic Church’s Jubilee Year, and the enduring relations between the Vatican and the east Asian country.
In his address, Pope Francis commended Mongolia for the profound religious renewal that has transpired since the 1990s. He acknowledged the country’s efforts in reclaiming its rich religious heritage by integrating traditional spiritual practices into its national development.
Historically, Mongolia faced religious repression from 1921 to the late 1980s, with Buddhism being a primary target. However, the country has witnessed a revival of its religious traditions in recent years.
The meeting between the Pope and the Mongolian Buddhists is particularly significant, marking the first time such a delegation has visited the Vatican. This event underscores the enduring relations between the Holy See and the people of Mongolia.
During the meeting, the Pope highlighted the Church’s 2025 Holy Year, emphasizing the importance of pilgrimage, reconciliation, and hope in building a more peaceful world amidst natural disasters and conflicts.
Pope Francis praised the Buddhists’ commitment to religious freedom and dialogue, recognizing their contributions to enriching Mongolian society. He encouraged continued collaboration between religious leaders to promote peace and harmony.
As the delegation visits Rome, Pope Francis expressed his hope for an enjoyable and enriching stay. He urged them to continue fostering dialogue, fraternity, and religious freedom, while strengthening their ties with the Catholic Church in Mongolia for the greater good of all.
Related Links:
For the full text of the Pope’s address, you can visit here.
Pope Francis with members of the delegation
Pope Francis in Mongolia in 2023