A Magical Celebration of Baptism in the Sistine Chapel
Imagine the echoes of laughter, cries, and the occasional whimper filling the majestic Sistine Chapel, a space adorned with timeless artworks that embody the pinnacle of human creativity. This scene comes to life once again as Pope Francis administers the sacrament of baptism to 21 children of Vatican employees on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord.
“The Greatest Gift, the Gift of Faith”
Prior to the ceremony, Pope Francis tenderly reminds everyone, “It is important that the children feel well!” Names like Sofia, Vittoria, Tancredi Tito, and Edwin Gabriele, among others, take center stage as the Pope proclaims, “Today, they are in charge,” emphasizing the responsibility to serve them through the sacrament and prayers. Mothers are encouraged, as always, to feed their hungry babies and change them if they are uncomfortable.
Today, each of you parents, and the Church itself, bestows the greatest gift, the gift of faith upon the children.
The Sign of the Cross on the Little Ones’ Foreheads
With trembling hands full of emotion, parents approach the Successor of Peter to have their children receive the sign of the cross on their foreheads. Some kick, some remain calm. Francis greets them all with a smile and, if there’s a sibling, allows them to mark the baptized on the forehead. As the celebration unfolds, the voices of the Schola Cantorum serenade the little ones, creating a soothing ambiance. The background noise of newborn cries is minimal, ensuring the tranquility of the Word liturgy. Pope Francis’ homily, as per tradition, is brief to not overwhelm the infants. His wish is for the children to grow in faith and experience true humanity within the joy of family.
“When There’s Trouble, Light the Way”
The liturgy continues with the concelebrants, Cardinal Konrad Krajewski, Pontifical Almoner, and Cardinal Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, President of the Governorate of Vatican City State, marking each baptized child’s chest with the oil of catechumens. Then, Francis administers the sacrament of Christian initiation, baptizing each child’s head accompanied by parents, godparents, and godmothers with blessed water. A touch of sacred chrism follows. Cardinal Krajewski gently caresses each baptized child’s head. The white robe is presented by Cardinal Vérgez Alzaga, while each father lights a candle from the Paschal candle.
Always carry this light with you, at your home, as a reminder of this day. And when there’s trouble, some difficulty, light the way to ask the Lord for Grace for your family.
The “Effatà” rite, the “Be opened,” inspired by the Gospel of Mark where Jesus heals a deaf-mute, sees the two cardinals touch the ears and lips of the little baptized ones. At the end of the ceremony, Pope Francis engages with the families, exchanges words, and presents a gift to each. The tradition of baptizing Vatican employees’ children began in 1981 under St. John Paul II, transitioning from the Pauline Chapel to the Sistine Chapel in 1983 and continuing to the present day.