Recently, Pope Francis received the promoters of the Écoles de Vie(s) project in an audience, which is inspired by the Global Educational Pact. The project emphasizes the importance of restoring the centrality of the human person in order to build a truly just and supportive society, especially for young people.
The founders of the project describe it as an “humanized” education that goes beyond imparting knowledge to forming individuals capable of compassion and fraternal love. In his address to the initiative’s managers, the Pope acknowledged their work and highlighted the significance of inclusivity in education.
Read Pope Francis’ full speech here
Developing the Potential of Young People
Pope Francis commended the promoters for embodying an outgoing Church that is open, welcoming, and attentive to the needs of others. He emphasized the need to create spaces where young people, despite their limitations, can fully express their potential.
The project’s approach aligns with the values of the Gospel and the social teachings of the Church, recognizing the intrinsic value and dignity of every individual. In this year of hope, the Pope encouraged them to continue prioritizing the human person’s spiritual dimensions to foster a truly just and supportive society.
Embracing a Gospel-Inspired Approach
As Pope Francis concluded the audience, he commended the initiative for reintegrating marginalized individuals, including those with disabilities or vulnerabilities, into a joyful and fraternal community. He urged them to inspire other initiatives that support the most vulnerable and open up new opportunities for comprehensive education that the younger generations urgently need.