Welcome to the Exaudi blog, where Monsignor Enrique Díaz Díaz shares his insightful reflection on the Gospel of January 1, 2025, titled: “May we build peace with Mary and Jesus.”
Numbers 6:22-27: “They will call upon my name and I will bless them”
Psalm 66: “Have mercy on us, Lord, and bless us”
Galatians 4:4-7: “God sent his Son, born of a woman”
St. Luke 2:16-21: “They found Mary and Joseph and the child. When eight days were over, they named him Jesus”
As we embrace the first day of the year, we receive a precious gift: the opportunity to enter God’s time and be part of His divine narrative. With the blessing and presence of God in our lives, we embark on a new year, seeking to uncover the loving and provident nature of God that is ever-present.
The year 2025 has been designated as a Holy Year, and the Pope extends an invitation to a world day of peace, expressing a heartfelt wish for peace to all individuals, especially those facing hardships and struggles. It is a time of grace emanating from the Heart of the Redeemer.
Amidst uncertainties and fears that some may harbor as the new year begins, true disciples of Jesus are called to sow hope and optimism, inscribing the initial words in the unwritten book of the year ahead. Today, as we celebrate the world day for peace, let us commit to labor diligently and faithfully towards peace, following the Pope’s guidance on eradicating slavery and fostering enduring peace.
Embracing the theme of the year, “Forgive us our trespasses and grant us peace,” let us seek genuine peace that emanates from a disarmed heart, devoid of selfishness and filled with forgiveness and hope. In the midst of conflicts and tensions, we can find solace in the Word of God, a source of reconciliation, liberation, and peace.
As we strive to build true peace, let us look to Christ as our ultimate source of peace, breaking down walls of hatred and embracing all as brothers and sisters in humanity. Let us follow the example of Mary, the Mother of God, who with her resolute “yes” brought forth Jesus to the world, and may she guide us in revealing the face of Jesus in our troubled world.
Let us renew our commitment to peace in the year 2025, following the path of Mary and Jesus, and may we together build a world filled with peace and harmony.
Wishing you a Happy and Peaceful 2025!