The Jubilee in 2025 is a unique and special event, with the Holy Doors being opened only in Rome this time. This has created a huge interest among Catholics worldwide, with tens of thousands expected to pass through them every day.
Experience the Jubilee
Pilgrims can register for the Jubilee at the official website: An information desk near St. Peter’s Square provides assistance and official confirmation letters for pilgrims passing through the Holy Door.
Although Rome is the focal point of the Jubilee, local churches designated by bishops in each diocese are also actively involving the faithful in the celebration.
Find Hope
Pope Francis emphasizes the importance of hope during challenging times, stating that “Hope does not disappoint.” The Jubilee aims to inspire faith and hope, providing strength and direction in life.
Polish Pilgrims
Polish pilgrims play a significant role in the Jubilee, coming from Poland and Polish communities worldwide. For many, it is a chance for spiritual renewal and connecting with fellow believers in the heart of Catholicism.
As more people learn about the Jubilee, there is a growing interest in planning pilgrimages to Rome to deepen their faith and strengthen Christian hope.
Embark on a Spiritual Journey
Rome is ready to welcome millions of faithful individuals seeking a spiritual experience and hope through the Holy Door. The 2025 Jubilee promises a time of communion and reflection for Catholics worldwide, including a significant number of Polish pilgrims.