Christmas is a magical time that holds a special place in the hearts of people all around the world where the joyous news of the birth of the Son of God has spread. Despite the challenges we may face, there is a sense of unity and generosity that emerges in the hearts of many during this festive season.
But what does Christmas truly bring us? Understanding others and even ourselves can be a complex task. It is intriguing how we struggle to comprehend our own thoughts and actions, despite being so closely connected to them. What is it that clouds our perception?
It seems that the lens through which we view ourselves has been tainted, causing us to lose sight of our true essence. When we acknowledge a kind gesture or a selfless act we have performed, it stands out amidst the monotony of our daily routines. This highlights the uniqueness of our actions compared to our usual behavior.
Recently, a friend shared a video depicting the evolution of personal time management from 1930 to present day. The shift in focus from family care to social media engagement is evident, with a significant decrease in time spent on family responsibilities. It is common to find people engrossed in their phones, scrolling through various apps during their free time. These habitual practices often limit our introspection and self-awareness.
In the midst of this common phenomenon, the God of Truth has come to enlighten us on the essence of Love. Contrary to popular belief, true love requires letting go of the desire to possess the loved one. Other forms of love, based on possession and control, only lead to inner turmoil. Genuine love is selfless, focusing on the well-being of the other without expectations or demands.
This is the profound message of Christmas – a revelation of what it means to truly love and be loved. This insight is crucial for navigating the complexities of relationships and fostering genuine connections. Since the dawn of the first Christmas, countless individuals have experienced a newfound sense of fulfillment and happiness, thanks to this transformative understanding.
Wishing you all a joyous and Merry Christmas filled with love and light!