The Wonder of Jesus’ Love: Pope Francis Meets Children of Italy’s Catholic Action Ahead of Christmas
As Christmas draws near, Pope Francis greeted a group of children from Italy’s Catholic Action lay movement, encouraging them to spread the wonder of Jesus’ love every day by reaching out to the needy and those suffering from war, especially other children.
By Lisa Zengarini
Approximately 80 children from Italy’s Catholic Action lay movement, known as Azione Cattolica Ragazzi (ACR), had the opportunity to meet with Pope Francis at the Vatican recently to share their Christmas greetings.
ACR, which consists of youngsters aged 4 to 14, serves as the children’s branch of Italian Catholic Action and was established over a century ago to foster spiritual and moral renewal in society through the education and development of young individuals.
In his address to the children in the Consistory Hall, Pope Francis encouraged them to spread the wonder of Jesus’ love for each person through acts of solidarity towards the less fortunate and those in pain, emphasizing that our entire lives are a remarkable gift.
He referenced their theme for this year’s formation, “Putting out into the deep water,” inspired by the Gospel passage in which Jesus calls four fishermen to follow Him and become “fishers of men.”
Becoming Fishers of Men
Pope Francis explained that being “fishers of men” does not involve coercion but rather inviting people to experience the joy of God’s love. He stressed that God respects our freedom and offers His love and salvation without expecting anything in return or excluding anyone.
The Pope highlighted the importance of spreading the joy and wonder of Jesus’ love, making every day unique and special for each individual.
Embracing Wonder Every Day
He encouraged the children to maintain a sense of wonder beyond the Christmas season, emphasizing the uniqueness of each person and the specialness of every day. Pope Francis urged them to be “original” rather than mere copies, inspired by the words of soon-to-be saint Carlo Acutis.
Christmas Beyond Family Gatherings
Pope Francis reminded the children that Christmas is more than a family celebration or a festive meal; it is rooted in faith. He urged them to cherish God’s love and the love of those they encounter, spreading joy and wonder throughout their communities.
He quoted, “Let us spread our wonder everywhere: from house to house, parish to parish, city to city, nation to nation. In this way, we spread happiness, trust, and consolation.”
Standing with Those in Need
Commending the children for their generosity towards the needy, Pope Francis encouraged them to continue supporting those less fortunate with love, companionship, and assistance. He urged them to show closeness and compassion, especially to children suffering from hunger, war, or illness.
As the children bring their love and support to those in need, the Pope concluded with the message of peace and goodwill, echoing the song of the Angels: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will” (Luke 2:14).