On a magical starry night, the angels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, along with their heavenly companions, gathered with East, the guiding star chosen to lead the Magi to Bethlehem. The angels, always eager to carry out divine missions, had a special secret to share: the birth of the Messiah. “We have been sent by God to prepare everything for the arrival of the Messiah,” Raphael shared with a joyful smile. Initially skeptical, East soon embraced the idea of being a part of this celestial event. “And will the Child look at me?” she asked eagerly. With wisdom and humor, the angels assured her that Jesus would indeed see her and that her role in this story was crucial.
The angels recounted their preparations for the Messiah to East, mentioning encounters with Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist, and their involvement in a census ordered by Caesar in Rome. “This paperwork is enough to tire even an Archangel,” Raphael joked. Despite the challenges, the angels were dedicated to ensuring that everything was in place for the arrival of the Savior.
Revealing a secret to East, the angels emphasized the importance of sharing it discreetly with all creation. Excitedly, East inquired about the recipients of this secret message. “To everyone: angels, men, stars, donkeys, birds…” Michael replied. With East wrapped in their wings, the angels whispered about God’s visit to the Virgin Mary, keeping the news hushed from neighboring stars.
Visiting the Queen of Angels and Stars, the Virgin Mary, the angels shared their message with East. “God has always had a plan for you, even though you may seem insignificant now. Rejoice, for soon the Queen’s eyes will behold you, and a caravan of Magi will follow your lead,” Raphael revealed. Overjoyed, East eagerly awaited her role in the upcoming events.
Guided by the star, the angels appeared to shepherds, announcing the birth of the Savior in Bethlehem. Filled with joy, the shepherds set off to see the newborn, guided by the radiant star. “A great star will lead you to the Portal,” the angels assured them before disappearing. Excited and filled with anticipation, the shepherds embarked on their journey to Bethlehem.
This article is inspired by the book, The Bethlehem that God set up