Embracing the Faith: Vietnamese Catholics in America
When Pope Francis met with a group of Vietnamese benefactors of the Pontifical Missionary Works from the United States, he was moved by the “steadfast faith” of many Catholic immigrants from Vietnam living in America.
During the meeting, Pope Francis highlighted the joy of supporting those who live on the margins of society. The delegation of Vietnamese origin, now residing in the United States, is on a pilgrimage to Rome and was warmly received by Pope Francis in the Vatican’s Consistory Hall.
Proclaiming the Good News
Pope Francis spoke about the upcoming opening of the Holy Door and the start of the Jubilee Year, expressing his hope that this sacred time would become an opportunity for authentic and personal encounters with the Lord Jesus Christ. He emphasized the importance of proclaiming Jesus everywhere and to everyone as our hope, quoting the papal document Spes non confundit.
Supporting the Missionary Work
The Pope praised the efforts of the benefactors in supporting the missionary and charitable works of the universal Church. He recognized their tangible expressions of faith that help spread the message of the Gospel to many brothers and sisters across the world.
Spreading Joyful Assistance
Pope Francis reflected on the early days of the Church when the community supported one another. He encouraged the group to respond to the Lord’s command to care for the least among us with joyful hearts and smiling faces.
Faith Inspires Generosity
The Pope commended the steadfast faith of many Vietnamese Catholics who have emigrated to the United States. He described their faith as a precious source of inspiration, motivating them to support Christian communities, even those far from their ancestral homeland.
Overall, the meeting with the Vietnamese benefactors was a testament to the power of faith and the joy of serving others in the name of Christ.