Say hello to a group of Vietnamese benefactors of the Pontifical Missionary Works from the United States, the Pope emphasizes the “strong faith” of many Catholic immigrants from the Asian country in America: “It is inspiring for supporting Christian communities, even when far from their homeland.”
By Edoardo Giribaldi – Vatican City
The joy in supporting “those who live on the margins of society” is at the heart of Pope Francis’s greeting to a group of benefactors of the Pontifical Missionary Works, originally from Vietnam and coming from the United States. The delegation, received today on December 19 in the Consistory Hall, is in Rome these days for a pilgrimage.
Announcing Jesus “always, everywhere, and to everyone”
Francis recalls the imminent opening of the Holy Door and the consequent beginning of the Jubilee, reaffirming the hope that the Holy Year can be a time of “authentic and personal encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ”, who – he adds, quoting the bull Spes non confundit – must be announced “always, everywhere, and to everyone as our hope.”
Supporting the missionary works of the Church
In this perspective, the commitment of those present “in supporting the missionary and charitable works of the universal Church” is inserted, which are concrete expressions of an announcement that can reach “many of our brothers and sisters in various parts of the world.”
Mutual and joyful help
The Pope recalls the early steps taken by the Church. A community where people supported “each other.” Today too, we are called to respond to “the Lord’s command to take care of the least among us.”
This assistance to the least should be given with a joyful heart, with a smile.
Faith inspires support for Christian communities
“A distinctive sign” of many Catholics who emigrated from Vietnam to the United States is, according to Francis, their “strong faith.” It still represents a precious source today to inspire a “desire to help Christian communities,” even when distant from their homeland.
May the Lord grant you to always offer your alms with a joyful spirit, and may your sacrifices bear fruit in the lives of brothers and sisters, who can thus experience the tender and compassionate love of Christ