CNA Staff, Dec 16, 2024 / 17:50 pm
Imagine playing basketball and getting injured, not knowing that this incident would one day contribute to the cause for canonization of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati.
That’s exactly what happened to Father Juan Gutierrez, a seminarian at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, California in 2017. An MRI revealed a torn Achilles tendon, leading to worries about recovery and expenses.
Turning to prayer, Gutierrez felt inspired to make a novena to Frassati. During this novena, he experienced a miraculous healing. As he prayed alone in the chapel, he felt a sensation of heat around his injured foot, which led to his complete physical healing.
His doctors were astounded by the disappearance of the tear in his Achilles tendon. Los Angeles Archbishop José Gómez described this healing as a miracle that could not be explained by medical science.
Witnessing a miracle is a rare and awe-inspiring event that reminds us of the power of faith. The Scriptures speak of Jesus performing miracles on earth, and many believe that he continues to work wonders from heaven.
According to Gómez, prayers are not only heard by Jesus but also by the saints who intercede for us. The recent canonization of a new saint has given believers another heavenly advocate to turn to in times of need.
Gutierrez, whose healing sparked the investigation into the miracle, attests to the efficacy of prayer. He emphasizes the importance of having saints to pray for us and reassures us that our prayers are always heard by God.
The journey towards canonization is a meticulous process that involves thorough investigation. Monsignor Robert Sarno, who played a key role in validating the miracle, expressed his amazement at the series of events that led to this momentous occasion.
As the final step of the canonization process approaches, the anticipation grows. The consultation with cardinals and bishops, ultimately leading to the approval of the Holy Father, is the last hurdle before the new saint is officially recognized by the Church.