National Catholic Register, Dec 16, 2024 / 06:00 am
“O come, O come, Emmanuel, and ransom captive Israel, that mourns in lonely exile here until the Son of God appear. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to you, O Israel!”
This favored Christmas carol is no carol at all. It’s a hymn for the season of Advent — the liturgical season that is about so much more than simply preparing for Christmas.
During these short four weeks, the Church has historically focused on Our Lord Jesus Christ as the fulfillment of all prophecy and human yearning as she anticipates not only the celebration of his incarnation at Christmas but also as she waits in hope for his glorious return at the end of time.
The verses of “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” are taken from seven ancient antiphons that the Church has used in her evening prayer liturgy since well before the ninth century. Every year, from Dec. 17 to Dec. 23, the Church’s liturgy enters a more intense and proximate preparation for Christ’s coming at Christmas. This shift is noticeable in the readings at Mass during these days but also in the Church’s Liturgy of the Hours, specifically at evening prayer.
Welcome to the beautiful tradition of the O Antiphons during the Advent season! These ancient prayers, rooted in the Old Testament, invite us to contemplate the many facets of Christ’s identity as we prepare for His coming. Each evening, the Church recites one of these powerful antiphons before the Magnificat, offering a unique perspective on our Lord with each invocation.
The O Antiphons, such as “O Wisdom From on High” and “O Key of David,” draw from rich biblical imagery to call upon Christ in various ways. These prayers express our longing for Christ’s presence in our lives and the world, seeking His wisdom, salvation, and light to guide us through the darkness.
As we meditate on these O Antiphons, we deepen our understanding of Christ’s role in fulfilling the promises of God found in the Old Testament. From the prophecy of Jesse’s lineage to the giving of the Law to Moses at Sinai, each antiphon reveals a different aspect of Christ’s divine nature and mission.
In particular, the antiphon “O Lord of the House of Israel” reminds us of God’s mighty acts in history, from the Exodus to the covenant with His people. The Church Fathers saw Christ’s presence throughout these events, recognizing Him as the fulfillment of God’s promises and the ultimate source of wisdom and power.
As we journey through Advent, let us ponder these O Antiphons and open our hearts to the profound truths they reveal about Christ. May we embrace the coming of our Savior with joy and anticipation, trusting in His wisdom, love, and mercy to lead us towards the light.
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