Welcome to Corsica, where Pope Francis delivered a powerful message of care and forgiveness to bishops, priests, religious, and seminarians. The Pontiff emphasized the importance of self-care and forgiveness in his address at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption.
During his Apostolic Journey to the French island, Pope Francis acknowledged the challenges faced by those spreading the Gospel in Europe. He described the ‘poverty’ of resources and numbers as a blessing that reminds us of our dependence on God’s grace.
The Pope encouraged everyone present to reflect on their vocations and how they live their lives as disciples. He highlighted the need for daily renewal and emphasized the importance of eucharistic celebration, moments of silence, and a balanced life to prevent burnout.
Pope Francis also stressed the significance of caring for others, quoting St. Paul on the importance of selfless service. He called for faith, creativity, and courage in evangelization, emphasizing the power of encounter and compassion in bringing hope to those in need.
Forgiveness was a key theme in the Pope’s address, as he urged everyone to forgive always, reflecting God’s heart. He shared his own experience as a priest who never denied absolution, emphasizing the importance of offering forgiveness generously.
As the address concluded, Pope Francis invoked the Virgin Mary, known as “Madunnuccia” in the region, leading the congregation in the recitation of the Marian Prayer.