Recognizing Extraordinary Efforts for Peace and Fraternity
After meeting with Pope Francis, the judging committee for the 2025 Zayed Award for Human Fraternity emphasized the importance of acknowledging the remarkable efforts individuals make to promote peace and fraternity.
By Devin Watkins
During a press conference, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director-General of the World Trade Organization, echoed the Pope’s concerns about global hunger and the excessive spending on weapons.
The committee members, including Judge Mohamed Abdelsalam and Cardinal Peter Turkson, reflected on their audience with Pope Francis, marking the 20th such encounter for groups connected to the Document on Human Fraternity signed in 2019.
Cardinal Turkson stressed the importance of drawing inspiration from the Pope’s message of hope and fraternity when considering candidates for the Zayed Award, individuals who embody humanity’s quest for peace in their actions.
According to Patricia Scotland, Secretary-General of the Commonwealth of Nations, the award shines a light on those who uplift the human spirit and work towards peace as a tangible reality.
Former Senegalese President, Macky Sall, highlighted Pope Francis’ message of hope, wisdom, and peace, emphasizing the need to transcend religious and ethnic boundaries to embrace the inherent goodness of humanity.
Reflecting on the concept of fraternity, Cardinal Turkson underscored the shared dignity of all individuals, emphasizing the foundational role of human fraternity in fostering positive relationships.
In a world grappling with conflict and crises, the Zayed Award for Human Fraternity serves as a reminder that each person has the potential to be an agent of peace and positive change.
As we navigate the challenges of our time, let us heed the call to embrace fraternity, promote peace, and work towards a more harmonious world.