Join us today as we commemorate the feast of Pope Saint Damasus I, as we delve into the life and legacy of the 37th successor of Saint Peter.
On this dies natalis of Pope Saint Damasus I, we reflect on the journey of this revered figure who steered the Church through the tumultuous waters of the 4th century. Born in 304 AD in Lusitania, modern-day Portugal, Damaso later found his calling in Rome, where he served as a priest at the Church of San Lorenzo. His papacy, which began on 1 October 366, lasted until his passing on 11 December 384, making it the 18th longest in Church history.
Living in a time of transition, Damasus witnessed the evolution of Christianity from persecution to acceptance under Constantine’s Edict of Milan in 313, culminating in its establishment as the official religion of the Empire by Emperor Theodosius in 380. Amidst the political and theological upheavals of his era, Damaso dedicated himself to solidifying the role of the Papacy as the Church’s guide and fostering unity amidst doctrinal disputes.
His pontificate saw the resolution of theological conflicts, notably with the condemnation of Arianism at the Council of Constantinople. Additionally, Damasus championed the use of Latin as the Church’s official language, oversaw the development of the Vulgate translation of the Bible by Saint Jerome, and promoted the veneration of martyrs through his poetic tributes.
Known for his intellectual pursuits and passion for archaeology, Damasus left a lasting impact on the Church, earning him the title of Patron Saint of archaeologists. Today, we honor his memory and contributions to the faith that continue to inspire believers worldwide.