Imagine a house with only three walls, open to the world and to all people. This is the enchanting image of the Holy House of Nazareth, hidden beneath the exquisite Renaissance marble cladding. According to tradition, it was miraculously transported along a public street to Loreto, becoming the earthly dwelling of the Virgin Mary. This sacred place, where the Angel Gabriel’s announcement was received and where the Holy Family resided, bears witness to the momentous event of the Incarnation.
Home of Mary, of the Holy Family, and every human being
Historical, archaeological, and scientific research have all pointed towards the authenticity of the Holy House, officially recognized in 1310 by a papal bull. Recent studies reveal that the stones of the building were crafted in a manner typical of Galilee during Jesus’ time. Engravings of Judeo-Christian origin and artifacts such as cloth crosses and an ostrich egg symbolizing the Incarnation have been discovered within the structure. The three walls likely formed part of the Virgin’s house, leading to a cave that is now venerated in the Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth.
Carried in the hands of the Angels
The mystery deepens as we explore how this relic-rest survived the ages, including a devastating fire in 1921. Tradition speaks of its miraculous transport from Palestine to Croatia and then to Loreto. Some believe noble Byzantine angels were behind this journey, protecting the sanctuary from harm. The perfect preservation of the stones adds an element of supernatural wonder to the tale.
A house in every man’s street
The unique placement of the Holy House on a public street holds a profound message. As Pope Benedict XVI remarked during his visit to Loreto in 2012, it symbolizes a dwelling open to all, a reminder that we are all on a journey towards a greater destination: the Eternal City.