Embarking on a noble mission to combat hunger, underdevelopment, and lack of education, and vowing to address the root causes behind these issues. This is the dedicated mission of “Manos Unidas – Catholic Committee of the Campaign against World Hunger”, a cause that Pope Francis recently acknowledged and supported at the Apostolic Palace on December 9.
Established in 1959 by the women of Catholic Action in Spain in response to the FAO’s call to address the hunger crisis, the association has been actively involved in aiding developing countries for over six decades. The Pope commends their efforts, acknowledging the impact they have had on over a million lives across America, Africa, and Asia through the selfless work of 6,500 volunteers.
However, despite their commendable work, the Pope notes that they only manage to cover a fraction of the world’s hunger problem, emphasizing the immense challenges that lie ahead. He praises the unique approach of Manos Unidas, led by the “feminine genius,” in tackling the persistent issues plaguing many nations.
Highlighting the significance of women in leadership roles, the Pope reflects on the role of women in nurturing families, communities, and addressing societal needs with their innate sensitivity and strength. He praises the Virgin Mary as the epitome of womanhood and a guiding light for all.
Mary, a Role Model for Change
Francis hails Mary as a beacon of compassion and grace, urging everyone to emulate her example in improving the world. He underscores the importance of a Christian perspective rooted in the Gospel and the Church’s Social Doctrine to drive meaningful change.
He calls on Manos Unidas to continue their vital work of service and volunteerism, especially as the Jubilee approaches, urging them to align their lives with Jesus’ teachings for the betterment of society. By helping the less fortunate achieve a dignified life, they embody the essence of being children of God.
As we enter the season of Advent, Pope Francis hopes for a spiritual renewal that will inspire us all to contribute to building a civilization of love, uniting our love for God with compassion for our neighbors.