Discover the captivating world of “La Chimera” directed by the talented Alice Rohrwacher in 2023. This film has been handpicked by Vatican Official and film expert, Msgr Dario Viganò, to be a part of the Dicastery of Evangelization’s “Jubilee is Culture” initiative. Dive into the depths of this intriguing movie with Father Greg Apparcel, CSP, film critic and associate pastor of St. Patrick’s Catholic American Parish in Rome, as well as the Paulist Fathers’ Procurator General to the Holy See, as he shares his thoughts in this exclusive review.
By Fr. Greg Apparcel, CSP
Every individual harbors a dream that seems just out of reach, their own personal chimera. In Greek mythology, a chimera is a fire-breathing female monster, but in the context of Alice Rohrwacher’s “La Chimera,” it symbolizes an unrealizable dream. The protagonist, Arthur, brilliantly portrayed by Josh O’Connor, embarks on a quest to find his lost love, Beniamina. Set in the 1980s in Tuscany, Arthur’s journey unfolds with a series of poignant encounters and revelations.
From his unkempt appearance upon returning home from jail to the haunting memories of Beniamina that plague his mind, Arthur’s story is one of longing and despair. As he navigates through his past, encountering characters like Signora Flora and Italia, secrets begin to unravel, leading Arthur towards unexpected truths about himself and his desires.
As Arthur delves deeper into the world of tomb-robbing with his comrades, a complex web of emotions and actions unfold, blurring the lines between right and wrong. Italia’s hidden truths and Arthur’s relentless pursuit of his chimera lead to a poignant climax that challenges perceptions of love, loss, and redemption.
Through mesmerizing cinematography and compelling performances, “La Chimera” takes viewers on a journey of self-discovery and hope. Josh O’Connor’s transformation into Arthur is both raw and compelling, capturing the essence of a man torn between his past and future. The film’s rich tapestry of emotions and themes resonates long after the credits roll, leaving audiences pondering the true meaning of fulfillment and purpose.
As we reflect on Arthur’s quest for his chimera, we are reminded that sometimes the answers we seek lie within ourselves. “La Chimera” is a testament to the power of storytelling and the human spirit, inviting us to embrace our dreams and confront our realities with courage and grace.