Welcome to Madrid Live Meeting 2024: A Message from Pope Francis
During the “Madrid Live Meeting 2024,” Pope Francis sent a special video message to the youth of the Archdiocese of Madrid, encouraging them to let the Lord fill them with joy and embrace the wisdom of the elderly.
As the youth gathered under the motto “Joyful in Hope” in preparation for the 2025 Jubilee of Hope, Pope Francis emphasized the importance of staying joyful in the face of challenges and uncertainties.
In his heartfelt message, Pope Francis urged the young participants to be courageous and not give in to resignation. He reminded them to keep moving forward and not lose momentum in their journey.
Embracing Wisdom
One key piece of advice from Pope Francis was the enrichment that comes from staying close to the wisdom of the elderly. He emphasized the value in engaging in dialogue with the older generation and listening to their insights, as they hold the wisdom of a people.
“Please, dialogue with the elderly, for they are the wisdom of a people: listen to them. And let them listen to you as well, don’t sever the roots of your people.”
Pope Francis compared cutting off one’s roots to a tree losing its sap, stressing the importance of holding onto one’s roots creatively for a vibrant and fulfilling life.
Joy from the Lord
In his closing remarks, Pope Francis encouraged the young people to keep their joy alive and let the Lord fill them with joy. He concluded with his Apostolic Blessing and asked the youth to keep him in their prayers.