Welcome to a special Mass presided by Pope Francis on the feast of St. Michael the Archangel, the patron saint of the Vatican Gendarmerie Corps. In a heartfelt message, the Pope calls upon the Vatican police force to embody God’s tenderness in their daily duties.
By Edoardo Giribaldi
The Vatican Gendarmerie Corps, in the eyes of Pope Francis, mirrors the devotion of Saint Michael, serving as guardians and protectors, much like angels in heavenly service.
During the Mass held on a rainy Saturday evening, the pontiff commended the dedicated work of the Vatican police force on the occasion of the annual celebration near the feast day of their patron saint, Michael the Archangel, observed on September 29.
Due to inclement weather, the solemn liturgy was moved from its usual site in the Vatican Gardens to the Altar of the Chair inside St. Peter’s Basilica.
‘We are not alone in the fight against evil’
Pope Francis began his homily by acknowledging the ongoing spiritual battle that manifests within the hearts, lives, families, and Church of Christians. He highlighted the crucial role of angels entrusted with the task of safeguarding the Vatican from evils.
“The devil always seeks to destroy man, presenting things as if they were good, but his intention is destruction. Fortunately, we are certain that we are not alone in this fight because the Lord has entrusted the Archangels with the task of defending us.”
Reflecting God’s tenderness
Pope Francis expressed his gratitude towards the Gendarmes for their tireless work and reminded them of the guardian angels always by their side, guiding them and assisting in upholding a valuable service to the Church.
He acknowledged the role of the Gendarmerie Corps in welcoming pilgrims to the Vatican and its precincts, often being the first familiar faces encountered by visitors.
Patience of families
The Pope extended appreciation to the families of the Gendarmes, recognizing the sacrifices and support needed for the officers to carry out their duties effectively. He sought forgiveness for the time spent away from home, entrusting their loved ones to the protection of the Blessed Virgin and St. Michael.
Unity is above conflict
As the Mass concluded, Pope Francis emphasized the importance of seeking unity over conflict, drawing inspiration from the day’s readings. He offered prayers for wisdom, patience, and a sense of humor for the Vatican Gendarmerie in their service.