Fr. Michel Daubanes, the rector of the Lourdes shrine, paid a visit to Torreciudad on July 19 and 20. During his stay, he had the chance to meet with the bishop of Barbastro-Monzón, Msgr. Ángel Pérez Pueyo, and share a meal with him. Fr. Daubanes graciously answered a series of questions regarding Marian shrines, the challenges faced by Christian families, and his impressions of Torreciudad and the Marian Route:
• The Pope emphasizes the importance of Christians bearing joyful witness to Christ. How can Marian shrines contribute to the new evangelization of our society?
M. D.: Marian shrines hold a significant place in the Church today. They serve as a hub for the numerous pilgrims who come to entrust their prayers to the Virgin Mary, seek intercession, and deepen their faith and joy in being Christians. These shrines provide a space to receive the joy of forgiveness through the sacrament of confession, nourish the believers with beautiful liturgical experiences, and foster a spirit of fraternity and charity among pilgrims.
• The Virgin is known as the Mother of Mercy, embodying the theme of this pontificate. How can sanctuaries act as mediators of compassion?
M. D.: Central to a sanctuary’s role is offering the sacrament of forgiveness and reconciliation to pilgrims. Through the act of confession, individuals can reconnect with their faith, receive blessings, and experience personal and spiritual accompaniment. Sanctuary ministers, both ordained and lay, play a vital role in extending compassion and understanding to those who seek solace.
• Given your experience at Lourdes, what advice would you offer to Christian families struggling with the difficulties of raising children in today’s society?
M. D.: It is essential for families to maintain a presence and offer support to children navigating challenges in their faith journey. Parents and grandparents should remain committed to praying for their children and setting a positive example, trusting that God’s grace will guide their loved ones back to the path of faith and redemption.
• Torreciudad aims to be recognized as the sanctuary of the family. What was your impression during your initial visit?
M. D.: My first visit to Torreciudad left me impressed by the natural beauty of the surroundings, the serene atmosphere of the sanctuary, and the depiction of the Holy Family in the artwork. The sanctuary offers a sense of peace and tranquility, inviting visitors to reflect on the life of the Holy Family and draw inspiration for their own family life. I was touched by the genuine sense of community and family participation in the Mass, exemplifying true Christian values in action.
Fr. Daubanes expressed his gratitude for the warm welcome and solidarity extended by the sanctuary’s staff and visitors. His visit to Torreciudad reinforced his faith and joy, underscoring the importance of sanctuaries in fostering spiritual growth and communion among believers.