Welcome to our blog post where we delve into a recent meeting between Pope Francis and a delegation from the Lutheran World Federation. Pope Francis, in his welcoming remarks to the group, emphasized the significance of their visit as “an important gesture of ecumenical fraternity.”
During the meeting, the Pope pointed to the upcoming anniversary of the First Council of Nicea and the Joint Declaration on justification as symbols of hope on the shared ecumenical journey. He recalled the Nicene Creed as a unifying bond centered on Christ, quoting a joint Declaration from LWF Secretary General Anne Burghardt and Cardinal Kurt Koch.
Highlighting the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification, signed 25 years ago, Pope Francis emphasized the importance of confessing Christ in all things as the common goal for Catholics and Lutherans. He described Jesus Christ as the heart of ecumenism, embodying divine mercy and calling for unity through bearing witness to this truth.
The Pope encouraged Catholics and Lutherans to celebrate the anniversary of the Declaration as a symbol of hope and continue their dialogue of truth and charity. He shared a story about Orthodox Bishop John Zizioulas, humorously suggesting that union among Christians may only be achieved on the day of Judgment. However, in the meantime, they must walk together, pray together, and engage in acts of charity together.
This meeting serves as a reminder of the importance of ecumenical dialogue and cooperation in fostering unity among different Christian denominations. Let us embrace hope and continue on this journey of faith together.
By Christopher Wells