Welcome to a special reflection for the Tenth Sunday of Ordinary Time under the theme: “Kinship, Unity, and Commemoration” by Jenny Kraska.
By Jenny Kraska
This month marks the 80th anniversary of D-Day. On June 6, 1944, soldiers from diverse backgrounds united to fight against tyranny in World War II. Jesus’ message about unity and redefining family speaks to the heart of D-Day commemorations.
The events of D-Day exemplify the Gospel’s call to a higher kinship based on shared values. Just as soldiers formed a brotherhood, we are called to unity as the Body of Christ, working together for God’s Kingdom.
World War II showed the consequences of division. Jesus warns against division, urging us to seek unity, forgiveness, and peace in our communities. Mark’s Gospel challenges us to live out a radical kinship through faith, worship, and charity.
As we honor D-Day’s anniversary and reflect on the Gospel’s message, let us remember the bravery of those who fought and strive to be instruments of peace and justice in the world.