Welcome to the Paul VI Hall! Yesterday, the Holy Father Francis graciously met with the participants of the IV International Choral Encounter, organized by the Choir of the Diocese of Rome to celebrate its 40th anniversary. This event, supported by Nova Ópera and sponsored by the Dicastery for Culture and Education and the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music, will take place in the Vatican from June 7 to 9, 2024.
Here is the touching speech that the Pope shared with the attendees during the gathering:
“Good morning!
Have you ever noticed how children’s spontaneity often speaks volumes? Children have a unique way of expressing themselves authentically. It is essential to nurture and protect our children as they represent the future, hope, and the embodiment of innocence and promise. Jesus himself emphasized the importance of children when he said that the kingdom of heaven belongs to them. We must learn from the pure and genuine spontaneity they exhibit, a trait we adults could benefit from absorbing. Thank you, children, for the lesson you’ve taught us today.”

Continuing his address, the Holy Father extended a warm welcome to all participants, particularly thanking Monsignor Marco Frisina and Nova Opera for their efforts in organizing the event. He highlighted the significance of the Choir of the Diocese of Rome and its role in serving various communities globally.
“Your presence at the fourth International Meeting, comprising parish choirs, directors, and musicians, signifies your shared passion for music in the context of worship. Your unity in faith and dedication to music is truly inspiring.”
Now, let’s delve into three key aspects emphasized by the Pope in his speech: harmony, communion, and joy.
“Firstly, harmony represents the essence of music, transcending barriers to reach all individuals. Music consoles the afflicted, reignites spirits, and embodies divine beauty and poetry. It serves as a universal language, enriching listeners and fostering a deeper connection with oneself and the world.”
“Secondly, communion symbolizes the collaboration intrinsic to choral singing. Like a symphony, each participant contributes harmoniously, reflecting the interdependence found in both choirs and communities. Personal humility and collective effort merge to create a harmonious ensemble.”
“Lastly, joy encapsulates the spiritual richness of choral tradition. The participants are entrusted with preserving this precious heritage, safeguarding it from worldly distractions. Through prayer, meditation, and commitment to their musical ministry, they can offer a joyous tribute to God.”
“To all the dedicated participants, I express my gratitude for your commitment to enriching the Church’s prayer and mission. May you continue to serve with joy and devotion. As you raise your voices in song, please remember to keep me in your prayers. Thank you.”