Welcome to the First World Children’s Day Celebration at the Vatican!
Exciting news! Pope Francis has declared the 25th and 26th of May 2024 to be the celebration of the first World Children’s Day at the Vatican. With the theme “Behold, I make all things new” (Rev 21:5), this event promises to be a day filled with joy and inspiration.
In a heartfelt letter addressed to children, Pope Francis emphasizes the importance of each and every child in our human family. He reminds them that they are a source of joy for their parents, families, the Church, and the world at large. As links in the chain stretching from the past to the future, children hold a special place in our hearts.
Children are indeed precious gifts to their families and to humanity. They remind us of our shared desire to grow and flourish. Pope Francis urges us to remember that we are all children, brothers, and sisters, connected by love and the need for care and protection.
Raising Children in the Digital Era
With the rapid advancement of digital technologies, children today have more learning opportunities than ever before. However, these same technologies can expose them to harmful influences at a young age. It is crucial for parents to provide guidance, support, and quality time to ensure the well-being of their children.
One mother, Mrs. Virginia Mudimu from Zimbabwe, points out the challenges parents face in balancing work and parenting. She stresses the importance of monitoring children’s use of devices and spending valuable time with them to foster positive growth.
Do Not Forget Those Other Children
Amidst the inequalities that exist in the world, Pope Francis calls on children to remember those who are suffering, battling illness, or facing hardship. Compassion and solidarity towards those less fortunate are essential virtues to cultivate.
Prayer as a Special Secret
Teaching children the value of prayer and nurturing their relationship with God is a priceless gift. Pope Francis shares his special secret for happiness – a life of prayer. He emphasizes the importance of connecting with God through prayer and finding peace and confidence in faith.
As we celebrate the gift of children on this special occasion of the World Children’s Day, let us entrust them to God’s care and commit ourselves to their well-being and protection. Together, we can make the world a better place for all children.