Welcome to our latest blog post where we discuss the exciting new guidelines released by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith that update the norms for discerning alleged supernatural phenomena. This document, published on Friday, May 17, introduces changes that come into force on Sunday, May 19, just in time for the feast of Pentecost.
The document includes a detailed presentation by Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández, the Prefect of the Dicastery, followed by an introduction and six possible conclusions. These new norms aim to expedite decisions while still honoring popular devotion.
One significant change is that the Church’s authority will no longer be actively involved in officially defining the supernatural nature of a phenomenon. Instead, the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith will play a more explicit role in approving the local bishop’s final decision and can intervene motu proprio at any time.
The need for these new guidelines stems from past experiences where different rulings were made by local bishops and the Holy Office, leading to confusion and lengthy discernment periods. The revision process began in 2019 and was recently approved by Pope Francis on May 4.
Cardinal Fernández highlights the spiritual fruits and risks associated with alleged supernatural phenomena. While these events can inspire faith, devotion, and service, there is also a risk of manipulation, profit-seeking, doctrinal errors, and other negative consequences.
The document outlines six possible conclusions for discerning an alleged supernatural phenomenon, ranging from acknowledging signs of the Holy Spirit to declaring the phenomenon as not supernatural based on concrete evidence.

The new procedures outlined in the document require diocesan bishops to carefully evaluate cases and refrain from making public declarations about supernatural authenticity. An investigative commission must be set up, including theologians, canonists, and relevant experts.
The document also lists positive and negative criteria for evaluating alleged supernatural phenomena, emphasizing factors like credibility, doctrinal orthodoxy, and the fruits of Christian life. It warns against potential errors, profit-seeking, immoral actions, and psychological influences on the phenomenon.
These new norms emphasize the Church’s duty of discernment and pastoral care, ensuring that faith and morals are upheld while protecting the faithful from potential harm. While positive recognition of supernatural phenomena is not guaranteed, the Holy Father reserves the right to authorize special procedures if needed.