Discovering the Best Things to Do in Rome in November
November 2023 promises to be a month filled with cultural delights and unforgettable experiences in Rome. As the autumn leaves fall and the city streets take on a warm and inviting ambiance, Rome’s event calendar comes alive. From art exhibitions to music festivals, Rome has something extraordinary in store for everyone this fall. In this article, we have gathered some of the best events in November 2023 in Rome.
Exhibitions this November in Rome

This month marks the beginning and continuation of the best art showings of the year. Check out the Ara Pacis Museum for a peek into the black-and-white world of photographer Helmut Newton. Then, tour Favoloso Calvino at the Scuderie del Quirinale to learn about the life and labor of renowned writer Italo Calvino. At the Palazzo delle Esposizioni, explore extraordinary photography of “Don McCullin in Rome and Boris Mikhailov: Ukrainian Diary“. Math and science geeks should be sure to visit the M.C. Escher exhibit at Palazzo Bonaparte, which highlights the influence of the artist’s years living in Rome. Finally, don’t miss free tickets for La Vaccheria, the new gallery centered in the EUR district with the current exhibition “From Futurism to virtual art“.
Best Events in November in Rome

Live Music
What better way to feel the heartbeat of Rome than jamming out to its live music? From the lively Roma Jazz Festival, to the extensive roster of museums participating in the 2023 Musei in Musica event, and an array of concerts, you’re in for a captivating journey through Rome’s thriving music culture!
Live music in November
November 2 – 26 | Roma Jazz Festival
Restore your soul with 2023’s rendition of the Roma Jazz Festival, an annual celebration held at the Auditorium Parco della Musica. From soloists to big bands, old-school jazz to new voices, and local artists to international acts, there’s something for everyone. Plus, the exhibition lasts almost the entire month, giving you plenty of time to dive into the dynamic, innovative state of the genre today.
Roma Jazz Festival
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