Today’s General Audience was a memorable event held at 9:00 in St. Peter’s Square, where Pope Francis graciously met with pilgrims and faithful from Italy and around the world.
Delving into his ongoing catechesis on “The vices and virtues,” the Pope centered his reflection on the theme of Charity, drawing from the scripture from 1 Corinthians 13:4-7.
After conveying his teachings in various languages, the Holy Father extended personal greetings to the audience present.
The Audience concluded with the collective recitation of the Pater Noster and the bestowing of the Apostolic Blessing.
The following text contains parts that were not spoken but are to be noted:
Cycle of Catechesis. Vices and Virtues. 19. Charity
Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!
Pope Francis delved into the theological virtue of Charity today, following the previous discussions on faith and hope. Charity stands as the pinnacle of the virtues, as beautifully articulated by Saint Paul in his First Letter to the Corinthians.
In emphasizing the significance of love, Paul challenges the Corinthian community to embody true Christian love, which transcends mere human affection. It is a love grounded in God and directed towards God, prompting us to love even those considered unlovable.
Jesus’ teachings further illuminate the depth of love, urging his followers to love their enemies and do good without expecting anything in return.
The essence of Christian love, often equated with charity, challenges us to extend forgiveness, bless those who curse us, and embrace the unlovable. It is a transformative love that reflects the divine and serves as a testament to our faith.
In closing, Pope Francis emphasized the importance of practicing charity in our daily lives, for it is the ultimate criterion by which we will be judged. May we embody selfless love and generosity towards all, mirroring the love of God in our interactions.
On this note, the Audience included special greetings to English-speaking pilgrims and visitors, invoking blessings of the Holy Spirit as the Solemnity of Pentecost approaches.
This enlightening discourse by Pope Francis serves as a poignant reminder of the transformative power of charity and the boundless love that defines our Christian faith.