Greetings, Esteemed Authorities,
Dear Representatives of civil society,
Beloved brothers and sisters, young people, and children, good morning!
Let’s take a moment to appreciate the simple act of saying “good morning” and applauding it, as it is often overlooked. I want to express my gratitude to Gianluigi and everyone involved in this wonderful initiative. I am delighted to be here with you once again, as the topic of natality holds a special place in my heart. The birth of a child is a reminder that God believes in humanity, as reflected in the motto “Being there, more youth, more future.” The idea of “being there” is not a coincidence; it underscores that each of us has a unique and significant role in God’s grand plan. Therefore, it is crucial for us to come together with realism, foresight, and courage to promote natality.
Firstly, let’s talk about realism. In the past, there were concerns about overpopulation leading to economic imbalances, resource scarcity, and pollution. However, viewing human beings as problems is a flawed approach. Human life is a gift, and the true root of global issues like pollution and hunger lies in selfishness and materialism. The problem isn’t the number of people in the world but rather the world we are shaping. Selfishness blinds us to God’s love and distorts our relationships, leading to empty houses devoid of children. The real challenge is combating selfishness, consumerism, and individualism that breed a culture of dissatisfaction and loneliness.
The birth rate is a vital indicator of a nation’s hope for the future. Without children and young people, a country loses its optimism. Italy and other countries in Europe are facing declining birth rates, signaling a loss of hope in the future. This trend needs to be addressed with foresight and effective policies that prioritize family support and create opportunities for the younger generation to pursue their dreams.
Furthermore, promoting a culture of generosity and intergenerational solidarity is crucial in building a brighter tomorrow. We must rethink our habits and lifestyles, prioritizing essentials over excess to provide young people with hope and purpose. The sacrifices of parents and grandparents lay the foundation for our future, and it is our duty to honor and support them for a stronger and more cohesive society.
Lastly, let’s talk about courage, especially for the young. Despite the challenges of today’s world, we must not lose hope. We have the power to shape the future together, guided by the Lord’s teachings to bring about positive change. It is vital to challenge the status quo, make bold choices, and work collectively towards a better future.
In closing, I want to emphasize the importance of valuing grandparents in building the future. Their wisdom and love play a significant role in shaping society and should not be sidelined or forgotten. Let’s embrace the courage to create a future that includes both the young and the elderly, united in courage and remembrance.
Thank you all for your dedication and bravery. Let us remember to pray for each other and work towards a future filled with hope and compassion.
[1] Reference: St. John Paul II, Encyclical Letter Sollicitudo rei socialis (1987), 36-37; Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. 1869.
Holy See Press Office Bulletin, 10 May 2024